Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Lin TianMiaou (林天苗)

The Same (All the Same)  /  colored silk threads,
synthetic skeletons, and metal constructions  /  dimensions variable  /  2011
They  /  resin and colored silk thread  /  40cm x 40cm  /  2011
  The Same (One and the Same)  /  linen cloth, cotton cloth, silk cloth,
silk threads; wood frame, synthetic skeletons  /  each 101cm x 182cm x 17cm  /  2011
Endless  /  fiberglass, silk, mixed media  /  dimensions variable  /  2004

Lin TianMiaou originally hails from Taiyuan, Shanxi province in China, and has had an incredibly successful career since the early 1990s.  Her background as a textile designer is heavily apparent in her sculptures, and although many western critics consider this evidence of a feminist thread in her work, she insists otherwise.  Have a look at her work here and decide for yourself!